Gem Art Center 1.520.761.9907


Marc Wilson, past curator of the Minerals Section at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, PA, where Helen exhibited several times, once said about Helen’s portrait of Leonardo DaVinci in smoky quartz: “you look at it and you can just see the character engraved in that face. It is just abstract enough so you can tell who it is, but it is not a dry representation”.


During her nomination for the Best of Artists Collector’s Edition website in July 2008, Helen was moved by the over 60 comments about her work left online. One of them summed it all: “An articulate artist, Helen Serras-Herman complements her rich visual imaginings with skilled executions which transform her carved figures into wonders seemingly able to live and breathe. I appreciate her work as an artist and I appreciate her generosity as a teacher about the art of gem carving”, Charlotte Preston


Another testimonial stated: “Congratulations to an artist without peer! Your work leaves one breathless with wonder and awe. Your technique is superb but it is the humanity and inherent philosophy that makes your art breathe. I am so proud to own several of your pieces and with luck hope to own more; I wear them with a tremendous sense of pride. Love the woman, love the artist, love the work”, Lisa Carp.


Helen’s sculptured gems have been called “Treasured Objects” by Annete Brink, past director Tubac Center of the Arts.


Serras-Herman is probably one of the most extensively trained artists working in Gem carving in North America – and it shows in her work…….Coming to gem carving from the vantage point of large-scale sculpture, Helen Serras-Herman creates miniature masterpieces underscored by centuries of art history. Cathleen McCarthy

A few comments from our satisfied clients....

“Several years ago I was able to commission Helen for a special occasion. She guided me through the selection of appropriate material and subject matter. I was also lucky enough to follow the work in progress. The finished carving is magnificent and the center of our collection”

....Lynne Emery

“Helen is an exceedingly talented artist. Her work reflects much of her Greek heritage and her classical training, yet is modern in style. Each of her finished carvings and jewelry pieces reflects the hours of work she puts into each – studying the gemstone, drawing and redrawing her concept, making plaster and clay models, etc. – before actually starting on the rough material. The results are exceptional and those who own some of her works exhibit and wear them proudly.”

....Carolyn Weinberger

“My husband and I have several of her pieces. We wear them with pride and joy”,

....Michelle McMurty

“Helen is the best in her carving”

....Debbie L., private collector of several pieces.